
Displaying 151 - 160 of 168
Eric Knoff

Published in CBU November Newsletter

The day dawns cold and clear with a foot of fresh snow and the promise of incredible powder riding. At the trailhead, the surrounding landscape sparkles like a field of diamonds and the anticipation of a magical day in the mountains builds.

Sled covers are hastily removed and the machines are fired up - the smell of exhaust fills the air. Feeling confident about preparations, members of the group do a quick gear check and then hop on their machines, pinning their throttles towards the backcountry and a day of powder riding.

Ian Hoyer

The GNFAC is looking for an intern for the 2022-'23 winter season. Application deadline is April 22, 2022.

Mark Staples

Published in the February 2015 issue of The Avalanche Review.

The Class

Doug Chabot

Introducing the GNFAC’s New Website!

New look. New feel.

Greetings from the GNFAC.

We just launched our new website today and hope you find it easier to navigate and use. There are two major changes:

1. The site is mobile friendly.

Eric Knoff

Presented at the 2014 ISSW 

In recent years, the propagation saw test (PST) gained popularity for both avalanche professionals and backcountry recreationalists. A limiting factor of the PST is the additional time required to isolate a column on the sidewall of the snowpit. Since I often have limited time to dig multiple pits during a work day, this past season I examined the effectiveness of conducting cross-slope PSTs (CPST). The CPST is simply a PST done across, rather than up, the slope. It is more efficient than the PST, particularly after conducting an extended column test (ECT).

Eric Knoff


I'm dreaming of fresh and stable powder when the alarm cuts through the early morning silence like a buzz saw. I quickly roll over and check my phone.

It's 3:15 a.m.

There is no hitting snooze for fear that I'll fall back into the grip of sleep. I will myself out of bed to start my day.

Doug Chabot

Published in the April 2015 issue of The Avalanche Review.

Lynne Wolfe, editor of TAR, asked me to jot a few thoughts down on how we manage surface hoar once it is buried. This is the email I sent back to her.

Ian Hoyer

The GNFAC is looking for an intern for the 2024-'25 winter season. Application deadline is April 5, 2024.

Doug Chabot

I just got back from a dawn patrol ski tour in the Bridgers! Yesterday’s snowstorm dumped heaps of snow at the higher elevations and the skiing was the better than I ever would have guessed.

Ok, I’m joking.  But admit it, you got a little excited, didn’t you?

Doug Chabot

After the two snowmobiler avalanche fatalities on Reas Peak in the Centennial Range in January 2018 we created a webpage so riders could get good, relevant information regarding snowpack and avalanches. Although the Centennial Range is not part of the Gallatin National Forest Avalanche Center's forecast area, we are the closest avalanche center and have valuable information to share.