


I skied above hebgen today, and was surprisingly the only one out there. The clouds opened up enough to see numerous 2-4’ deep slides that occurred over the past week, on slopes down to 29-30 degrees. Many started quite low on the mountain. There were several places where 27-28 degree slopes had shattered into cracks without sliding. 
I dug a pit on an east aspect at about 8200’, and found 130 cm of snow. An ECT failed at ECTP 29 at the interface of the basal junk and newer snow, about 90 cm down. Normally I would see this as an encouraging sign, but my pit today was purely academic and I skied dad pow all day. I did not experience any collapsing today, in stark contrast to the 2-300 collapses I got Nordic skiing around the hebgen basin yesterday. 

Lionhead Range
Location (from list)
Hebgen Lake
Observer Name
Sam Reinsel